Blog » Gift Cards » How to Exchange gift cards to Naira in Nigeria

How to Exchange gift cards to Naira in Nigeria

Coming across this article simply implies that you have been searching for informations about how to redeem your gift cards to Naira in Nigeria, fortunately you've just landed at the right place is the only legally verified platform to trade your gift cards and be credited in naira within five minutes.

Have you been exploited by a previous Marchant? Or is this your first time receiving a gift card and seeking a way to exchange it to naira? Which ever one is the answer let's first look at what gift cards are and why they are important before we start blowing your mind with our exciting gift card exchange methodologies.

What is a gift card ?

A gift card is preloaded stored money card provided by a company or bank to be used as alternative for cash transactions or debit card / credit card transactions within specific stores or online platforms.

To simplify the above explanations, a gift card is like your debit card from your bank but only it comes preloaded with cash. You can use the preloaded funds to purchase and pay for items online.

Take note that the money loaded on the gift card is not to be withdrawn, instead ; you can make payments for items or subscriptions online using the gift card. will buy the card at your request and send equal amount in naira to your Bank account within five minutes. Amazing right !

Uses and importance of gift cards

Gift cards are payment methods used in stores and online platforms.

Gift cards is the easiest way of receiving funds from family and friends in diaspora.

Different Types of Gift Cards

There are mainly two types of Gift Cards physical card and digital also known as the Ecode.

What is The Major way of redeeming gift card in Nigeria ?

Selling For Cash !

Do you have any gift card you want to redeem to Naira? You can trade that card in exchange for naira in this is the most reliable website in Nigeria as of 2023 the quality that makes this platform remain recognized as the most reliable is that they offer the best exchange rates and pays within few minutes.

We conclude that you leverage on this information today how to redeem gift cards in Nigeria. Trade safely !

Get Started Now
Download the Legitcards App or sign up on the web to start trading with ease!
A Registered Platform To Sell Gift Cards, Buy Data & Airtime In Nigeria And Ghana Securely At High Rates.